27 de març del 2007

[pmjs] A new book on the Man'yoshu

Yasuhiko Ogawa comunica :

Dear PMJS members,

I am pleased to inform you that I have published my first book,
_Man’yo Gakushi no Kenkyu (A Study of the History of the Classical
Scholarship on the Man’yoshu)_.

I considered the study and reception of the _Man’yoshu_ from the 9th
to the 16th centuries in their historical and cultural contexts, and
from a bibliographical viewpoint.

(I do not characterize its history as a scholarly development from a
primitive or immature to a present high stage.)

It consists of 16 chapters with 29 images, including the letter of
Sengaku, a learned monk in the 13th century, as well as Heian-period
manuscripts of the _Man’yoshu_.

I would be happy if you took interest in it.

If you need a copy, please contact me. I can pass on your order to
directly the publishers, Ofu, who can provide it to you at a somewhat
reduced price.

Web site: