4 de juliol del 2007

A qui pugui interessar :

Scuola Italiana di Studi sull'Asia Orientale ISEAS
Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient EFEO


Thursday, July 12th 18:00h

Roberta Strippoli will speak on:

Gio and Hotoke in the Tale of the Heike:
Irresistible Ladies, Comic Intent, Esoteric Reading

The story of the shirabyoshi dancers Gio and Hotoke, which first
appeared in Heike monogatari, enjoyed an extensive and varied
reception in later literature and theater, from noh to otogizoshi,
kowakamai, sekkyo, and joruri. Although no document proves the
historical existence of the two women, a number of temples and
monuments were built in memory of them.
The case of Gio and Hotoke can be seen as emblematic of a wider
system of textual interaction that traverses the history of premodern
Japanese literature. One of the reasons for the permanence of such a
marginal subplot is to be found in the fact that the story easily
lends itself to multiple interpretations and practical uses. Although
scarcely detectable now, some of the possible readings of the text
were evident to a medieval audience. Making use of passages from
Genpei josuiki (seisuiki) and Kakuichibon, this lecture will explore
several ways of looking at the story from the point of view of gender
and religious studies.

Roberta Strippoli teaches Classical Japanese at the University of
Naples "L’Orientale" and Japanese Culture at the University of Milan
"Bicocca". Trained in medieval narrative, she has published on
otogizoshi (La monaca tuttofare, la donna serpente, il demone beone.
Racconti dal medioevo giapponese, Venezia: Marsilio 2001), Sarashina
nikki, and Heike monogatari. Besides Gio, she is currently
researching on competing masculinities in gunki monogatari.

Discussant: Francois Lachaud
He is the Director of the Kyoto Center of the Ecole Française d’
Extreme-Orient and Maitre de conferences associé at the Ecole
Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des sciences religieuses
(Japanese Buddhism).

Italian School of East Asian Studies (ISEAS)
Ecole Francaise d’Extreme-Orient (EFEO)

A qui pugui interessar.

From: Mariko Naito <mnaito@fas.harvard.edu>


I am pleased to announce an international conference, entitled: "The
Possibility of Literary Theory in Japanese Literature", which
will take place at Harvard-Yenching Institute on August 29, 30, 31,

Pre-registration is requested. Please contact Mariko Naito
(mnaito@fas.harvard.edu) by August 6. I hope many of you could join

For more information, please see http://www.harvard-yenching.org/
This website will be up-dated soon.

Thank you for your attention.

Mariko Naito
Visiting Fellow
Harvard-Yenching Institute

Harvard-Yenching Institute International Symposium
"The Possibility of Literary Theory in Japanese Literature"

Place: Harvard-Yenching Institute, Common Room
(2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138)
Date: 29-31 August, 2007


DAY One: Wednesday, 29 August (3:00PM-5:00PM)
Special Viewing of the Sackler Museum's "Genji Monogatari Gacho" (1509)

DAY Two: Thursday, 30 August
Opening Remarks (9:00AM-9:30 AM):
Peter Kelley (Harvard-Yenching Institute)
Edwin Cranston (Harvard University)

Panel One: "The Possibility of Literary Theory" (9:30AM-12:30PM)
Mariko Naito (Harvard-Yenching Institute/ University of Tokyo, Japan)
"Memory and Techne: Temporal Structures of Medieval Poetic Theories"
Atsuko Ueda (Princeton University, U.S.)
"Critiquing Ideological Critique: Linguistic Reform Movements in
Early-Meiji Japan"
Toru Ando (Ryukoku University, Japan)
" Socionarratology and the Possibilities for Post-Textual Theory"
Richard Okada (Princeton University, U.S.)
"The Foreignness of Theory and the Foreignness of 'Japanese Literature'"
Moderator: Eve Zimmerman (Wellesley College)

Lunch Break (12:30PM-2:30PM)

Panel Two: " Visuality and Literary Theory" (2:30PM-6:30PM)
Tomoko Ubukata (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan)
"Transformed Bodies, Discovered Landscapes: "Idlers" in Soseki,
Tanizaki, and Rampo"
Charles Shiro Inouye (Tufts University, U.S.)
"The Figurality of Letters, Literature, and Literacy"
Kenji Matsui (Komazawa University, Japan)
"Scenes of Nature Described in Vernacular Prose in The Tale of Genji"
Haruo Shirane (Columbia University, U.S.)
"Japanese Poetry: Secondary Nature, Visual Culture, and the Environment"
Moderator: Eve Zimmerman (Wellesley College)

Reception (6:30PM-8:30PM)

DAY Three: Friday, 31 August
Panel Three: "Anti-Oedipus and Narrative-Antitheses/Hypotheses
/Alternatives" (9:30AM-12:30PM)
Sadakazu Fujii (Rissho University, Japan)
" The Ajatashatru Complex in The Tale of Genji"
Saeko Kimura (Tsuda College, Japan)
"Anti-Oedipus of Tanizaki Junichiro: From The Tale of Genji to The
Bridge of Dreams"
Keith Vincent (Boston University, U.S.)
"Queer Theory in Japanese Literature"
Moderator: Eve Zimmerman (Wellesley College)

Lunch Break (12:30PM-2:30PM)

Panel Four: "Post War and Warrior Tales" (2:30PM-6:30PM)
Vyjayanthi Selinger (Bowdoin College, U.S.)
"Blind Spots: The Gempei War Tales and the Claims of History"
Makoto Takagi (Tokai Gakuen, Japan)
"Haunted Writing in Warrior Tales"
Devid T. Bialock (University of Southern California, U.S.)
"From Post-War to Post-Nature: The Heike and the Canon in a Time of
Climate Change"
Kenichiro Fukatsu (Meiji University, Japan)
"The Intervention of "War Scenes": Medoruma Shun's Battle of Okinawa "
Moderator: Karen L. Thornber (Harvard University, U.S.)

Closing Remarks: (6:30PM-6:45PM)
Sadakazu Fujii (Rissho University, Japan)

MANYÔSHÛ (万葉集) -20-



Que la benaurança torni com la neu primaverenca del primer dia de l’Any Nou!

Nota : Es considerava que la neu del primer day de l’Any Nou era senyal de bones collites durant tot l’any.

Poema nº. : 4516

Autor: Ôtomo no Yakamochi (大伴家持, 718-785).

Poeta i polític, i el principal compilador del Man’yôshû. La seva contribució a l’antologia és considerable, amb 479 poemes, més del deu per cent del total de l’obra.

Va ocupar molts càrrecs polítics tot i que la seva carrera va tenir mols alts-i-baixos.

Degut a un crim comès per un familiar seu va ser desposseït a títol pòstum de tots els seus càrrecs.

.És un dels “Trenta-sis Poetes Immortals “ (Sanjūrokkasen三十六歌仙).